About Therapy

2149334385Supporting women through grief, trauma, and domestic violence.

As women, we often feel…

Voiceless, weak, guilty, or like you aren’t enough.

You try to convince yourself that you are fine. You can get through it.

The world says, “Drink water,” “exercise,” and “try meditation.”

As if the answer was in a self-help book or podcast.

It feels burdensome to talk about it with your friends and family.

You’ve been trying to overcome it on your own, but…

It didn’t work.

Nothing seems to help.

You just need guidance through what feels like a map-less journey.

But it feels too vulnerable to share this with anyone.

Even the idea of therapy brings up anxiety! Of course, it does. Talking about your saddest, darkest, and most terrifying moments is totally scary!

1802552131You need someone who will not be scared by your story.

Someone who will not judge you for your thoughts and who will walk with you when the trail gets dark.

What you need is a super safe space.

For my clients, our time together is that safe space they have been searching for.

I provide a space where women know they are not being judged – a space where women can be brave and vulnerable.

This will not be easy, but you can do it.

Healing your wounds means reopening them so they can be cleaned properly.

This will probably sting.

It likely will feel harder before easier.

It might be a while before you recognize your progress.

And you won’t be doing it alone.

Together, we’ll create life-changing healing moments in my office or in nature.

Through this journey, you’ll deepen your understanding of yourself, feel safe in your body, and uncover your inner empowered self.

As you release the pain of their past, you’ll have peace of mind as you step into a new way of living filled with passion and excitement!

About Me

Admin 1I know how terrifying therapy can feel…

…because I have been there, too: scared, alone, and full of self-doubt.

The combination of therapy and nature is truly what saved my life.

I had been feeling numb and disconnected for most of my life. I sought adventure to fill the void inside my heart. Pushing myself to try to feel alive, worthy, and enough. And it didn’t work.

I wanted to die.

Then, when I truly gave up, I found wilderness therapy.

For years, I worked as a guide in backcountry therapy. Witnessing therapists change people’s lives.

And unintentionally, they were saving mine, too.

Week after week, I spent my days hiking through mountains and valleys. Things were shifting.

I understood myself in a way I never had before.

Alive, connected, and empowered.

I had searched the globe for this feeling, only to find it in the one place I was never brave enough to look, myself.

Nature was my catalyst for uncovering all the love and wisdom I was carrying within myself.

From there, it was clear.

This was my path.

I would be a Nature-Based Therapist and guide people to their own love and wisdom.

After years of guiding, I was ready.

Naropa University had the perfect program, Transpersonal Wilderness Therapy.

What is Transpersonal Wilderness Therapy?

It is nature-based therapy with a holistic mindfulness lens.

In other words, I see that you are more than the sum of your parts. To help you see that, too, we will practice slowing down to witness yourself and your patterns. We will decouple your story and your potential so that you can move forward without the constraints of your past.

And, whenever possible, we will do it outside!

On a less serious note…

You’ll probably find me outside when I am not working. Shocking, I know.

I enjoy just about every outdoor sport. My favorites are rock climbing, backpacking, and skiing.

On those adventures, I bring my dog, Mocha, whenever possible. And I know everyone thinks this, but she actually IS the best dog in the world (I am incredibly lucky).

So now what?

With all the bravery you could muster…

You have found yourself here, knowing that the next step is to call a stranger, hoping they can help you through this mess.

You have made it this far already, which tells me you are incredibly resilient. To make it through, you must be ready to embark on a journey.

The path may wind, storm clouds may gather, and boulders might unexpectedly block your way at times…

But you WILL make it to the other side. Give me a call, and let’s schedule your free consultation: (720) 383-4886.