Online Therapy

You can be anywhere in Colorado… and you don’t have to look nice or fake a smile.

2055810548Can’t anything in life just be easy?

The calendar is filled with all the “have to’s” of your life. You’re constantly running from one thing to the next.

Work demands, family chaos, social obligations, taking care of your home… and then trying to fit sleep in there, too.

When you put everyone else first, even finding the time to take a shower can be a challenge!

There’s just no ROOM for anything else!

Your schedule is already overwhelming.

You’re feeling depleted and unhappy, and you know you WANT to make a change. But you don’t know how.

Besides, your mental health was probably kicked off your priority list a LONG time ago.

And even if it weren’t, the idea of yet another commitment seems impossible.

Online Therapy Img 2Therapy shouldn’t feel like a burden.

What’s the point if therapy is just one more meeting you are running late to?

Therapy should be one thing you have control over. Scheduling, location, and goals should be all up to you.

And with online therapy, they can be. Now, therapy doesn’t have to be “an impossible addition” to your life.

There are so many reasons to go online…

If you have too much on your schedule, you won’t have to squeeze in extra time for the commute and parking that come with doing therapy in an office.

You’ll also be in the comfort of your home or office, making it easier to open up because you feel relaxed, grounded, and safe in those vulnerable moments.

Consistency and routine can play significant roles in reducing anxiety.

Video conference appointments make it possible to have an appointment wherever and whenever.

You don’t need to worry about being seen by others in a waiting room. There’s no stigma.

524727322Are you wondering whether it actually works?

Trust me… I get it. As a nature-based therapist, I am the last person you would think to promote online therapy.

I was shocked when I realized that moving online was more than just convenient. It also works!

Many of my online clients have shared that they feel less nervous and stressed about therapy, knowing they can do it from home.

And when you are less nervous and stressed about just getting to therapy, you will have more room to focus on why you actually reached out in the first place.

Making the most out of online therapy…

A few boxes need to be checked to make sure this is a good fit for you.

To get ready for a zoom session, you need to find a quiet room where you can be alone, have reliable Internet and a laptop or smartphone, and turn off/silence all your other devices so that you won’t be pulled in multiple directions.

That’s it. Pretty simple, right?

So… what now?

While it may take some time to get used to, teletherapy might be the very thing to provide you with the safety and convenience you need to get the help you deserve.

Let’s not wait any longer to put yourself on your calendar!

Call me to set up your free 20-minute video or phone consultation: (720) 383-4886.